Independent testing of PV modules is crucial.

PV testing in Rotterdam

Over 66% of all PV modules imported from abroad do not meet the nominal value. As many as 15% of all PV modules even fail to meet the margin of error. So having PV modules independently tested is very important for your company's quality assurance.

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Out of spec PV modules are sold to less critical buyers.

It is important to do Import testing of PV modules

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Thanks to many years of experience, we know it all too well: lower-quality PV modules tend to be sold to less critical customers. And we see this reflected in the data from our laboratory: 66% of PV modules do not meet the nominal value. And 15% of the modules do not even meet the margin of error. So testing will ensure that the products you import are of the best quality. And that is likely to save you a lot of trouble afterwards. Whether you are an EPC, energy company, insurer or wholesaler, having your PV modules tested at our laboratory in the port of Rotterdam is without doubt a smart thing to do. Because testing can take place prior to ownership transfer, you will get an excellent starting position for negotiating with the manufacturer (if needed).

What kind of PV testing do we do in our OdinSpire laboratory?

Visual Inspection, EL-testing and IV-testing.

The tests carried out at the OdinSpire laboratory in Rotterdam have two purposes: firstly, to determine the actual output of the PV modules supplied. This will be done using Eternal Sun’s state-of-the-art Spire Flasher. In addition, EL-testing and visual inspection will be used to determine whether the panels are damaged and/or have so-called soldering problems. Testing is usually done on a sample basis (ISO 2859-3; Samplesize Calculation), but this can of course be deviated from depending on our customer’s requirements, for example if it is suspected that the PV modules were damaged during transport (e.g. during a storm at sea).

Would you like to know more about our PV testing services?

Would you like to know more about our laboratory services? Then we invite you to fill out our contactform below. You can also become a member of our LinkedIn company page, so we can keep you posted about our developments.